Thursday, July 18, 2013

How To Pick And Wash Wild Blackberries or Raspberries

Hello all,
  One of the very best things about Summertime in the driftless, is gathering  wild blackberries and raspberries.  Both typically peak during June in the South, and in July in the North.We pick 'em right about now, so I thought I'd share a few things to know when picking these yummy little gifts from the good earth.

 Select plump, firm, fully blackberries. Unripe berries will not ripen once picked and aren't very tasty.

There are two types of blackberries to know about: thorny and thornless. Most wild bushes do have thorns, so wear tough clothing (like denim) when going out to pick (People say the thorny varieties are a bit sweeter)

  Don't overfill your containers or try to pack the berries down. You don't want all that goodness to be smashed out 'em!

Look in between the stems to grab for hidden berries ready for harvest. Bend down and look up into the plant and you'll see berries that you would have otherwise missed.

Even in the best condition blackberries will only keep for a week in your refrigerator, so for the best flavor and texture, use them as soon as possible . I've never found bugs in my berries but, if you see small bugs or tiny worms, soaking for an hour or more in salt water (1 cup of salt to the gallon), may help draw them out.
 Otherwise just rinse them with cold water and enjoy!
                                                                                                  Try this recipe

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